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What if there were a better way to manage a child’s behavior challenges?​

The primary reason so many parents struggle with their child’s unpredictable behaviors (longer than they should be) is often because they have been told to work on “discipline” with their children, take pills, or accept that it’s “an age thing” and their child will “grow out of it”.


Can you relate?

​Sensory challenges can cause behavior problems.​

Take our Sensory Quiz to see if your child's challenges are sensory based!

 10 Question Quiz: Does my Child Have Sensory Challenges?

Most Kids with subtle sensory challenges that cause behavior problems cannot get OT services


It is for these kids that we provide our OT services.

A healthy pathway to an easier, more successful future.

​​We provide sensory challenged kids who have no medical diagnosis​​​​​​​​​

with sensory integrative occupational therapy 

Welcome to Moving Parts Therapy Services!



"We’ve been bringing my son here for 6 months and is a completely different kiddo! Mary has been so patient with him, has wonderful recommendation and is helping my son be the best little boy he can be. I would highly recommend Moving Parts therapy as you will get a very personal experience everytime!" -D. Houshour

“My son has made amazing progress! Everything done with him is work and serves a very specific purpose, but to him it’s all a fun game. As his mom, I’ve also learned a ton about how to help my son and why he struggles with certain things so I am better able to help him. It’s helped us grow closer. It’s also translated to school and helping with concerns teachers have. My son is now thriving!” -M. Deuster​


This is How We Do It 




  • Our sessions are 35-40 minutes in length. Sessions often include time spent educating and collaborating with families. 

  • Home exercise programs are tailored to each family's needs and ability to complete.

  • Services generally take 24-36 months to achieve lasting neurological improvement. Parents most often note they start to see improvement in the first 4-8 weeks.

  • *Attendance is twice per week * ​

  • You may withdraw from services at any time. There is no contract to stay. Fee for each session is paid at time of service.







  • The first appointment is a 60 minute evaluation in which we establish goals and a treatment plan focused on your areas of concern. 

  • The parent/caregiver is in the gym with their child for the evaluation. 

  • The evaluation will be a combination of standardized testing, caregiver interview, structured observation.

 Challenges addressed
  • Sensory Processing Disorders

  • Retained Primitive Reflexes

  • Continence

  • Fine motor coordination and Handwriting

  • Focus/Attention and Sitting Still

  • Tactile/Clothing challenges

  • Gross Coordination for PhyEd & Sports

  • Adult-Directed Transitions

  • Keeping Hand to Self


Meet The Team


Mary Sahr


Mary is an occupational therapist with over 30 years of experience in neuro-developmental treatment, visual-perception, sensory integration and fine motor therapies. She specializes in sensory processing disorders, dyspraxia/apraxia, developmental coordination disorders and handwriting. Mary is the owner of Moving Parts Therapy and the lead therapist with a Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy.


Angela Cyrs

Angela is responsible for direct therapy and family education at Moving Parts Therapy. During her OT education she was a member of the Pi Theta Epsilon Honors Society and earned top honors graduating Suma Cum Laude. During college she worked as a teacher to children with autism. Angela is particularly skilled in developing positive relationships with her clients. Angela has a Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy


Melissa Daul

Melissa is a certified occupational therapist responsible for direct therapy and family education at Moving Parts Therapy.  Her work experience includes 3 years with the Wisconsin Early Autism Project in Eau Claire WI. Melissa is particularly skilled in developing the youngest clients at our clinic. She designs fun, individualized themed "adventures" to promote high engagment of young children in therapeutic activities. Melissa has a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology with a Minor in Psychology.

"Our son has been seeing Mary for a couple months now. I have nothing but good things to say about her. He is no longer coming home from school and having meltdowns. He isn’t having potty accidents anymore, this was happening daily at school. He’s able to get ready for school without needing any reminders on what the next step is. His teacher also cannot believe the changes she has seen in such a short amount of time. It feels good to see him happy again. I cannot even believe how big of an impact Mary has had on him!" -M. Sherman​​​​


Moving Parts Therapy has been wonderful for my son who has sensory challenges and ADHD. He has been working with OT Melissa and he has shown much improvement. My son also adores Melissa, she is really great with him! I highly recommend Moving Parts Therapy! -E. Berman


Kids Playing Volleyball

Primitive Reflex Integration

Primitive reflexes are involuntary motor responses originating in the brainstem present after birth in early child development that facilitate survival. These central nervous system motor responses are eventually inhibited by 6 months of age as the brain matures and replaces them with voluntary motor activities. The problem is that this integration or phasing out of reflexes doesn't happen on it's own for some kids. Instead they retain these reflexes, but it's usually not obvious that they have. The reflexes continue to appear in subtle ways, and cause all sorts of challenges for a child.


Monday through Friday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m.

Saturday Closed

Sunday Closed


Tel. 920-221-3098
Fax. 920-358-7885
1200 S. Lynndale Drive
Appleton WI 54914​

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